GraceLife - Oct. 6, 2019 (18).jpg





First Step is a two-week opportunity that will introduce you to what GraceLife is about and how you can get involved. Whether you're new to GraceLife, or you've been around for a while, this is for you! 

Mark your calendars for the upcoming First Step dates below. Free childcare (in the Bonus room) and free lunch are provided each week.

If you are attending in person, you do not need to register. Registration is ONLY needed if you plan to attend online (to receive a Zoom link).

First Step, Part 1: DISCOVER
February 2nd

1:15pm, Dream Team Room
10:15am, Online

First Step, Part 2: ENGAGE
February 9th

1:15pm, Dream Team Room
10:15am, Online



We believe life shouldn't be lived alone but in community. LifeGroups are a great way to make friends and grow spiritually. We have groups on marriage, finance, spiritual freedom, and community groups that discuss the weekend message & do life together.

Dream TEAM

At GraceLife, we believe that serving is one of the ways to live out our vision of loving people and reaching our world. Serving not only gives us an opportunity to use our gifts, but it also connects us to our community. From creating a welcoming environment for guests during our weekend services to investing in kids, to worship and media, our DREAM TEAM is all about one thing: serving God by serving His people.

Want to know more about becoming part of the DREAM Team? Attend FIRST STEP Part 2, where you'll discover your unique gifts with a personal assessment and meet ministry leaders.

 Legacy Team


The Legacy Team is an outlet for those who are called and equipped to finance the Kingdom of God and to leave a legacy. The Legacy Team serves our church with the gift of giving.




We are passionate about children learning about Jesus in a safe and fun environment! Every Thursday & Sunday at GraceLife, our goal is that all kids (Infants through 5th grade) learn in a creative and relevant way. A gKids worship experience includes music, Bible teaching, and small groups that are age-appropriate and engaging, where your child will learn about who God is and His love for them. We’d love to see you and your kids at our next service! 


Upon arrival, you will be directed to gKids Check-In. We will meet your family, check your kids into our database system, and lead you and your kids to the room for their age group. Children can be checked into their rooms 30 minutes prior to the service.


The safety of your child is our top priority! Each Serve Team member serving in gKids has been through a security screening, including a background check.

You and your kids will be given matching identification tags that are exclusive to your family and your visit. Your kids will need to wear the name tag portion while you keep the matching tag. In the event that we need to contact you during the service, you will receive a text to the phone number you provided at check-in. 

After the service, you will return to the room where you dropped off your child and show your tag for your child to be released back to you.






The First Wednesday of each month, we hold a service where students can encounter God through worship, message, prayer, and fun!

On the Following Wednesdays, we host age and gender focused LifeGroups. These are discipleship groups led by trained leaders held at the GraceLife building. It’s our heart to partner with parents and families through discipling this generation into lifelong relationship with Jesus!

Want to know what’s going on at GraceLife Youth? Click the button below:

Serve Day - June 24, 2023 (49).JPG

Global Outreach

We believe our city should be better because God’s people are in it. We want to make Jesus famous in Columbia and throughout the world. We hope to make a difference that others notice and that draws them to know and worship Jesus.